Thursday, 7 August 2008

Well this busty babe theme continues to roll on, this time with Nonami Takizawa. Res for these wallpapers: 1280x1024, 1600x1200, 1680x1050, 1920x1080.

Nonami Takizawa

Nonami Takizawa

Nonami Takizawa

Nonami Takizawa 1920x1080


Anonymous said...

wow! thanks for all of these!

Anonymous said...

Argh, computer problems kept me away, but wow, nice walls as of late.

In a busty mood this month? :)

Anonymous said...

Nice work. Looking forward to more.

Anonymous said...

Will there be any more? Not to sound unappreciative-- they're all really good, so I'm eargerly waiting to see what's next!

Anonymous said...

Dude I love your Wallpapers but are you still active? Way too much time passed since your last entry.. :/


Anonymous said...

What happened to this blog? Extended vacation? Hope to see more posts soon.

Alex said...

Hi, could you please tell me what program you use to edit/resize your images?
Also, please post more Yoko Matsugane because she is by far my favourite... Along with Reon Kadena.


TheOdyssey said...

Don't you update this blog anymore?

Unknown said...


To make images smaller I just you Photoshop, but to make smaller pics larger I use a Phtotshop plugin called OnOne - Genuine Fractals.